Greetings, Entrepreneur!

We understand that growing a business is difficult. It's quite difficult.

You're undoubtedly concerned about how you'll find your next client.

Sleep is a long way away. You're completely stressed.

Your company's insecurity is killing you.

And the worst part is that you're being pushed in a million different ways, with each person advising you to take a different approach: 

  • Start a blog
  • Make a fantastic website
  • Perhaps you could begin pushing your business on social media.
  • What about starting a YouTube channel?
  • And yeah, heard that chatbots are freakin' good! Why not give them a shot as well?

Someone even stated that-

  • Pay-Per-Click advertisements bring in a lot of revenue. Why don’t you invest in those?

Feel like ripping your hair out?!!!


Take a break.

Most of us have a propensity to believe that we can "do it all".

And so, we wind up doing a little bit of everything.

With no proper strategies in place, even after doing "the so-called everything" we find ourselves standing in the middle of a four-lane highway, unsure of where to go.

Don’t you think, running a 50 km marathon will be easier than running a business like that?

We know you are here because your business is not in the position you want it to be, even though you have put in all the amount of effort and money that you could probably manage.

You are here because you want-

  • More security
  • More money
  • More freedom
  • More time for family and friends
  • More luxury holidays
  • More shopping sprees- Or whatever makes you happy.

The good news- “Soon there will be all and more of this coming your way”.

We have a strategic plan ready in place, where your e-mail box will be loaded with eager-to-buy customers, more than you can handle.

So ready for the irresistible offer?

Or simply cut it short and give us a call for a free consultation. We can discuss it all, over the call.

Services Provided by Us


Design, develop and manage an overwhelming website for your business.


Communicate with zeal and strategize like a pro. We write to achieve a certain goal and that is – more revenue.


Re-define your brand's social media presence by getting your online authority handled by the experts.


Ready to boost your website to the first page of Google? We are your SEO partners - Ready to serve your business


Turn ads into assets and earn more money with the right PPC campaigns with us.


Unleash untapped opportunities in your business, with our Mobile Marketing services


Premium Listing Optimization on Amazon for Huge Organic Traffic (and Sales). Rank Better, Faster, and Smarter.


Launch your android app to rank it to the top 10 on Google Play Store.


The Power of Visual Communication. Accelerate your growth with our design services


Can't beat Google at AdWords? We can! We create programmatic ads that are 10x more effective.


Get into the details- Read about the work done by our team Know how we did it for our clients.


How we helped Amazon to reduce the conversion cost of an ad campaign by 90%

AZVEN Reality

How we brought in leads for AZVEN realtors from across the globe, through our concept of Outcome Based Digital Marketing.


How reducing the conversion cost of Amazon in India led to creating campaigns for marquee brands like Amazon, Samsung, Nikon, First Cry across the globe.



Skip the trial-n- error game and work with us using proven strategies!

When starting out, most companies try to build their business by trial and error, hoping, praying, stumbling, and trying to figure it all out on their own.

This is what we refer to as guesswork. It’s inconsistent, stressful, and frequently ends in failure.

With our expertise in understanding Business, Marketing, and Digital Marketing we have perfected the science and art of creating winning strategies for organizations in different industries, stages of life-cycle, geographies to help achieve the marketing and sales results they are looking for. And we guarantee that the time it takes you to move from a first-time single business owner to a market leader will be cut in half.

The cherry on the cake is- YOU PAY US ONLY WHEN A SALE HAPPENS.


We don’t charge for this either

Frequent Questions

OBDM, short for Outcomes Based Digital Marketing is a tool by Digital 10X by offering results before asking for its payment. We work on a model that focuses on delivering results. Furthermore, the OBDM identifies ultimate marketing and sales outcomes expected to be delivered by Digital Marketing.

An excellent digital marketing agency will learn all there is to know about your company. They'll analyze your website's traffic and recommend the finest internet marketing platforms for you to invest in. Continuous assessment should be a component of a digital marketing agency's strategy to guarantee that a client is keeping the appropriate balance between their marketing expenditure and the outcomes they are obtaining.

We achieve all of that, but unlike other agencies that claim to be the best digital marketing agencies in Bangalore, the Digital 10X team isn't just concerned with achieving the ideal balance.

Using the most efficient marketing strategies available, our mission is to beat your competition, convert (your) website visits into purchases, and provide you with the highest possible ROI.

“We ask you to pay us only from the profits you make”: I am sure there will not be a better guarantee than this one in the entire industry.


We are ready to shoulder the risk and take complete responsibility for the outputs generated.

We are keen to add value to you and ensure returns for the money you spend.

For more information on the assurances we provide, see our individual service pages of the website.

We will collaborate with you - if you are serious about growing your business and dominating a market niche.


We will work with you- if you want to join a team of marketers, digital strategists, designers, and developers that will help you crush your growth targets and provide the type of ROI that will make you shout from the rooftops.


We work for you- if you comprehend the worth of spending 1 rupee to make 5 rupees.

It doesn't matter if you're a big company or a smaller one. Our clientele ranges from small enterprises to large multinational corporations, across the world.

You should choose us because we are giving you a reason big enough, With no money at risk from your end, we take complete responsibility. With almost nothing to lose, there is no harm in trying our services

When we are brave enough to give you an offer like this, then why don’t you take a step ahead and join hands.

We know that customer satisfactionis the key to success in a business. When you as a client will get the desired outcomes from us and would declare us, as the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore- that will be our real earned value.