How we helped Azven Realty sell villas in Sarjapur, Bangalore using Outcomes Based Digital Marketing 

Azven Realty Ventures Pvt Ltd (Azven Realty) are first time developers; founders Ex Infosys Leaders. They have constructed 200 best in class luxury villas, with state of the art facilities in a Villa Community – Azven Breathe in Sarjapur, in 2013 – 14. 60% of the project was sold by 2016 – 120 villas. After 2016, the real estate market was impacted by RERA, Demonetisation, low economic growth and then Covid. Consequently Azven Realty was able to sell only 30 villas in the period 2016 – 2020.

In early 2020, Azven Realty tried digital marketing but did not get results. They were able to sell only 1 villa from 200 leads. Hence they discontinued the campaign after 2 months and did not do any digital marketing thereafter as they thought it was not viable and not worth the investment and effort.

We approached them promising that we would give them qualified leads of their target customer profile on an Outcomes Based Digital Marketing Model (OBDM). For this purpose a Qualified Lead would need to fulfil all of the following criteria:

  • Working in the IT Corridor of Bangalore or in Narayana Hrudalaya, Columbia Asia having a compensation of Rs. 50 lacs – 1 cr or an industrialist with a turnover of Rs. 30 cr
  • Interested in purchasing a villa in Sarjapur

Considering that we had to set up the campaign and work on their website, we promised that we would give them 7 Qualified Leads in the first month and 30 Qualified Leads in the second month. Azven Realty and Digital 10X would take stock of the progress at the end of the second month. If the outcomes were in line with the promised outcomes we would continue the campaign, else we would stop it. We also agreed to return back the non-Paid Advt component of retainer fee in case we did not recover our costs. Azven promised to give us 2% of the sale value of the villas as OBDM Fee, for all the villas sold through leads generated by us. The Retainer Fee would be deducted from the OBDM Fee.




% of total leads


Target Leads



People willing to come for Site Visit

Follow up 




Not interested leads




Total Leads




Break up of Target Leads


Interested leads



Once they come to site

Not Compatible



Once they visit the site and are not interested

Hot Leads



Once they come show interest & negotiate
(Site Visit with family, specific unit identified, budget known, funding pattern known, price offered from their side)

Won leads



Once they close

In the first month we did SEO for the Azven website and setup the PPC Platform. We went live in 20 days and started generating leads.  Apart from Bangalore we were able to get qualified leads from US and Middle East as well. Our Click Through Rate (CTR) was 16 – 20 as against Google standard of 1.6 – 1.8. We were also able to bring Azven on the first page of google for “luxury villas in Sarjapur” within a week of going live. Competition was paying Rs. 174/- for first page, first position. We were able to be in the first page, fourth position for targeted keywords with just Rs. 34/-.

 The following were the results after 2 months



We had promised 37 qualified leads by the end of second month. We delivered 38 leads. Amongst these 1 has converted into a Sale and 4 more were under negotiation. So our efforts yielded results. 


Azven Realty is very happy with our work. Not only did they extend our mandate to do digital marketing for Azven Breathe but have also given us another plotted development – “Back to Life” to sell on an Outcomes Based 

Digital Marketing basis. 

Later they have referred us to another of their contacts Industech Estates. Click here to read the case study of our work with Industech Estates.