Outcomes Based Digital Marketing

If we don’t know where we are going we will go nowhere. 

I believe this is the challenge that most companies face regarding digital marketing  (DM). As a result, many companies have used digital marketing but are not getting the benefits from it; even if they are, there may be massive scope for improvement of the results. We are committed to delivering exponential growth to our clients and hence innovated the concept of Outcomes Based Digital Marketing (OBDM). 

What is OBDM?

OBDM is the process of identifying marketing and sales outcomes expected to be delivered by digital marketing and creating, and implementing a digital marketing plan to achieve it while tracking and improving the plan based on the results achieved, with the objective of achieving the expected outcome. 


  1. Digital marketing is the cheapest mode of marketing and can deliver exponential growth and targeted results. OBDM facilitates this to happen.
  2. Makes the activity more purposeful by aligning marketing with sales outcomes 
  3. Sets a meaningful, impactful goal for the digital marketing activity.
  4. Builds accountability into the process.

Who is it for?

It is for companies and funded startups who want to scale exponentially but surely using  Digital Marketing. It is sector agnostic. Companies in any sector can apply for OBDM. Literally everyone!

How is it done?

The following is the process of OBDM: 

  1. Understanding you, your market and your competition: We understand the vision of the client company and the role of marketing and sales to achieve it. We understand your market, competition and customer.
  2. Together with the client company we set out the marketing tactics to deliver the sales outcomes.
  3. We then break down the outcomes into parameters to be tracked and improved.
  4.  We then set the desired goals for getting maximum outcomes.
  5. Get an understanding of the ground reality and create a digital marketing plan to achieve the desired outcome
  6. Put in place the reward structure for achieving outcomes.
  7. Lastly, we track progress and improvement plans based on the results generated
  8. Deliver actual results.

Benefits of OBDM

The Client Company gets the following benefits from OBDM both strategic and  transactional: 

  1. Expected results from digital marketing are delivered
  2. Clear method of tracking benefits achieved and Return on Investment. If the results are not being achieved, digital marketing strategy and efforts can be improved to ensure that they do.
  3. It reduces operational time and management bandwidth to focus on other marketing activities
  4. Reduces the wasteful cost of supervision and unproductive marketing.
  5. Increases accountability of the Digital Marketing Partner to deliver results.
  6. We become your Digital Marketing Partner and not merely a service provider.
  7. Reduces Cost/Acquisition, Cost/Sale, Time/Sale, and Effort/Sale while improving lead quality, quantity and customer experience thereby improving the top line and bottom line of the client company.
  8. Helps to optimize the digital marketing strategy and process for the client company.
  9. Enhances dependability of the digital marketing process resulting in increased robustness of the Marketing and Sales process of the Client.
  10. Helps to improve the marketing and sales process and use analytics to track and ensure results.
  11. Pay us only when results are delivered: You pay us a small Retainer Fee to keep your digital marketing going month on month, which can be set off against the bulk of our fees which are paid to us once the results are delivered.
  12. Win-win for all parties concerned – Client Company, Marketing, Sales, your Customer and us.